Who are we?

Today, the size of illicit trade, counterfeit tax evasion and fraud is pretty much the size of the legitimate economy. At a time of macroeconomic and geopolitical stress that is applying further pressure on an already burdened Supply chain, the ability to efficiently check goods coming in through borders and enforce regulations and sanctions, remains a challenge. The central problem is achieving full visibility and without it, the facilitation of global trade will continue to fall short.

In 2016 we started a company with a unique technology that can connect the physical and the digital world and enable this much needed visibility by flagging shipments whose digital identity does not match the physical declaration.

We’re able to automatically say, “something’s wrong”. And what are we able to find? All the bad things that we know are out there just in ways that customs authorities and enterprises are not able to see with the solutions they have today at their disposal.

Driven by an innovative technological approach that utilizes Big Data, artificial intelligence, analytics, and a substantial investment in R&D, our solution is the first in the industry to provide customs with complete visibility into those complex supply chains.

Rai is a privately-owned digital inspection platform that is currently deployed by more than 30 governments worldwide, with a vision of enabling freer, fairer, and safer global trade by empowering customs authorities with the tools and capacity to achieve it. 





It varies based on the enforcement but it’s dramatic worldwide.